Top 10 Strongest Characters in Hunter x Hunter – Hey guys!. In this post, I’ll be discussing a list of Top 10 Strongest Characters in Hunter x Hunter. We are going to delve into some of the most powerful characters that this series has to offer however right at the outset I do have to say that this isn’t necessarily a straightforward discussion because one of the beautiful things about Hunter x Hunter is that it’s not always easy to distinguish if an individual is more powerful than another because the dynamics of Nen combat a lot of other factors such as intelligence, creativity and analytics to come into play at a significantly more effective rate than most other Shounen series in the genre. With that said we’ll be doing our best here today and I’ll be looking primarily at candidates through an all-rounder perspective meaning that just because one character may have an incredibly powerful ability that does not necessarily equate to the most powerful overall character. Furthermore, I also won’t be ranking characters who have not adequately displayed their prowess so don’t expect to see characters like Ging on this list because even though there is rampant speculation that he is one of the strongest individual in series we really have no solid evidence to go on. So let us count down the list from weakest to strongest.
10. Hisoka Morow

We will be commencing this list with everyone’s favorite morally questionable magician and really one of the finest Nen uses that Hunter x Hunter has ever seen let alone one of the most powerful characters. Since the very beginning Hisoka has been like a plateau of strength that has seemed all but impossible to reach from the perspective of our other four protagonists. Every time he appears a powerful aura of danger surrounds him. He accomplishes all of this with a surprisingly simple yet non invincible Nen ability Bungie gum and wielding both the power of rubber and gum. Hisoka possesses something of an ultimate defense as well as an incredibly deadly offense and for a bit of hard data Hisoka has a record of 11 wins and 4 losses within Heaven’s Arena one of those wins being against a floor master and three of the four losses was simply because Hisoka just didn’t show up for the match and of course the one true loss he did earn was in a fight against someone else on this list. So really the true potential of Hisoka I think has yet to be seen however even with we have so far there is no doubt in my mind that Hisoka is one of the most powerful individuals Hunter x Hunter has to offer.
9. Zeno Zoldyck

Zeno is one of the true master of the series. Zeno is wise, experienced and has a wealth of training and precision under his belt. Having spent 67 or so years of life being raised and performing his role as one of the greatest assassins that this world has to offer and of course this wealth of experience directly correlates to the world of Nen. With Zeno being a transmuter of the highest order as well as possessing a solid mastery of his adjacent categories resulting in breathtaking Hatsu such as the Dragon Head and Dragon Dive techniques. Whereby Zeno was able to craft and emit an entire dragon out of pure aura. Although another quantifiable aspect can be found in Zeno’s use of En. As it is said that an Nen Master can produce an En of a roughly 50 meter radius. Meanwhile Zeno has been said to be capable of crafting an En with a 300 meter radius. Although I suppose the Zeno himself did grumpily complain that doing so was you know a little bit tiring but that really should give you a solid idea of just how far and above Zeno is in the grand scheme of things. He along with everyone else on this list represents an unimaginably high tier of individuals in this world and things are only going to get more insane from here.
8. Chrollo Lucilfer

Now Chrollo is still something of an enigma to Hunter x Hunter despite his rich history within the series. I will say that what initially puts him into consideration for discussions like this is his “Bandit Secret” ability which allows him to quite literally steal the Nen abilities of others and while that may sound incredibly overpowered I do need to point out that it does come with a ridiculous set of conditions to Fill before activating it and the general success of Chrollo has seen certainly makes him one of the most intelligent characters we’ve ever seen. The Chrollo is able to back that up with raw power as well having fought not only the number nine place on this list Zeno Zoldyck but also his son Silva Zoldyck in a two-on-one battle in which Chrollo performed phenomenally against two Master assassins and to add more hyped to the Chrollo train after the battle was halted Zeno claims that how Chrollo actually been fighting with the intent to kill then he may very well have lost even with Silva as backup. That is the kind of ridiculous beast the Chrollo represents and of course as mentioned previously Chrollo is the one responsible for to Hisoka’s one and only true lost in Heaven’s arena managing to go so far as to even kill the twisted magician and just like Hisoka, Chrollo true potential still has yet to be displayed.
7. Shaiapouf

Breaking into the board of chimera ants now we have one of the Royal Guards. Based on analysis conducted by Colt he believed that Shaiapouf would have been capable of defeating chairman Netero and although I certainly do not believe that myself. The mid comparison certainly propels Shia poof into the upper echelon of power within the series. So due to his status as a royal guard Shaiapouf also naturally possesses inexhaustible quantity of aura and a vast array of Hatsu to engage in with it being a natural manipulator. Although it should be said that Shaiapouf abilities are heavily structured to take advantage of his strategic prowess and physically he can certainly be overcome in terms of both strength and speed. But what you’re probably not going to be able to overcome is the aforementioned aura as well as his incredible durability making Pouf a very dangerous combination. He is someone that you need to beat instantly. Well his intellect will swiftly overtake you but like I said that’s very difficult to do because of his incredible natural defense he is an incredibly formidable opponent and somehow not even the finest specimen the chimera ants have to offer.
6. Menthuthuyoupi

So Shaiapouf represented the incredible intelligence of the Chimera ant Royal Guard then Youpi is the embodiment of their raw power. His strength, speed and ability to take any form of punishment are in a whole new league of their own and in terms of Nen rather rarely we actually have an estimate of Youpi’s output which is at least 700,000 units according to Knuckle and for some perspective that is around 10 times the amount of knuckles master Morel who is nothing to scoff at Youpi comfortably outclass him and not only him but any of the extermination team and do you know most of the known world. The thing about Youpi is that he isn’t simple brawn because he also makes fantastic use of Nen to pursue constant evolution of his body and create increasingly impossible to defeat forms always improving on his power and removing weaknesses. It’s actually quite maddening to think about the power it would take to overcome an existence like Youpi however it’s certainly not impossible.
5. Neferpitou

Rounding out the world gods we have a gender-fluid cat ant who made the first appearance in the series virtually murdering kite, A character who I would consider to be one of the more powerful within series. Although I guess not quite powerful enough to make a better appearance here today. Regardless like the two other royal guards Pitou shares the standard qualities of unfathomable strength, speed and durability. However Pitou comes with one massive massive bonus being that they are a specialist in the field of Nen and that is particularly terrifying because specialists have the ability to break the rules of this world according to whatever fanciful desires they may have and generally the only thing that stops them from going too far on their own or reserves. But with what seems like an endless amount of aura, Pitou presents one of the most incredible dangers that Hunter x Hunter has ever showcased. In fact it has been stated that neither Illumi Zoldyck or Hisoka would be anywhere near close to producing an aura comparable to that of Pitou. Illumi also went on to state that Pitou was the King’s top soldier which is one reason why of place than above Youpi. But the primary reason really is that specialist angle it gives Pitou the much-needed versatility and potential that a simple and straightforward Youpi just doesn’t have.
4. Isaac Netero

Getting a bit serious now we have the former chairman of the Hunter Association and quite possibly the most consistently powerful human that this series has ever seen. Don’t let the old man exterior fool you Netero would almost certainly wipe the floor with any of the contenders we’ve examined here thus far. But to get straight to the point his crowning achievement and the thing that makes him most dangerous is the 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva which gives Netero access to a devastatingly powerful giant statue of Guanyin from which he can unleash a near infinite array of attacks and a speed unmatched by literally anyone even the characters who we have yet to examine on the list actually. But Netero as legend goes quite far back and he is a man who has even managed to not only visit but more importantly survive two separate trips to the Dark Continent. In fact Netero is such a profound figure that he has had a huge impact on the majority of characters in the series. Being the founder of the Shingen-ryu school of kung-fu that all but revolutionized Nen education as well as cultivated many of the world’s most influential figures. All of that because of this one man who was revered and respected by each and every single one of them.
3. Gon Freecss (Adult Form)

So he is an intriguing situation because Adult Gon is a temporary existence that went on to show us the full potential of our series protagonist. By making a vow Gon was able to summon all of the power he would ever have which caused his body to morph into an adult form and granted him instant access to one of the most fearsome powers ever brought into existence. In fact remember Pitou even claims that Gon in this form could be capable of posing a threat to the Chimera Ant king himself which as you will see is nothing short of overwhelming and as for Pitou well Adult Gon went on to completely crush him in combat with Pitou being entirely outclassed and incapable of fighting back. The thing about this transformation though is that it did come at an exceptional cost and despite the fact that Killua was able to revive Gon to a somewhat normal state Gon has lost access to his aura and he may never be able to recover it. Thus effectively ending his story in Hunter x Hunter and it’s pretty crazy to think that had Gon developed naturally then he may very well have become one of the most powerful characters in the series. But I’m afraid that this brief glimpse is more than likely all that were ever going to get.
2. Meruem

Finally we arrived at the Chimera Ant King himself and it’s hard to know where to begin with Meruem. He is wildly overpowered in every aspect be a combat, nen, intellect whatever. There is no single combatant in existence that can force Meruem to fight seriously much less actually defeat him and let’s take Netero for example this was the closest we actually got to a proper fight with Meruem and even with everything Netero had at his natural disposal when it was all said and done Meruem is only just beginning to feel the dullest aches of pain. Meanwhile humanity strongest warrior was reduced to a state of utter defeat. I have to say though what makes Meruem the most overpowered character is actually his genius-level intellect. It’s the fact that he can think on a level far beyond that of any other living being unless he’s been Gungi in which case Komugi whoops his ass. But in any other circumstance Meruem is frustratingly god-like and he is a being that would ruin any other series he was in. However with some brilliant writing from Togashi he is a highlight of storytelling in general and to think that he only ever got to the age of 40 days old and can’t even begin to imagine how Meruem would have grown if he’d lived even a year. A completely ridiculous existence in the best possible way.
1. Alluka Zoldyck

Well perhaps I should more accurately say Nanika and then again no this one really is a team effort. Alluka stands out on this list because she is the only person we’re going to explore whose power does not relate to combat but it is more than formidable and goes so far as to completely eclipse anything else we’ve seen in Hunter x Hunter. To be perfectly frank Alluka essentially has the power to do anything through the mechanism of wish granting via Nanika. Basically what someone needs to do is fulfill three of Alluka requests and then Nanika will emerge at which point a person can ask for anything they want and Nanika will grant it. Meaning that Alluka does possess effectively godlike power. However there is a bit of a balancing act because the bigger the wish was the bigger Alluka’s demands will be the next time around. Which can lead her to ask things like give me your brain and when an individual refuses, forfeit, demands, end day as well as a certain number of other individuals who have spent the most time with them are instantly killed and of course the number of extra people killed depends on the severity of the wish. But with this in mind Alluka has the power to threaten not only the lives of literally anyone she comes into contact with but the entire world and perhaps even the entirety of existence itself and with that sheer insanity in mind it is very difficult to deny that Alluka is by far the most powerful character in Hunter
x Hunter.
That is it from today’s post on Top 10 Strongest Characters in Hunter x Hunter. If you do not agree with the points in the post and have some of your own opinions, share them with us in the comments section down below. Keep visiting Animesoulking for more information about Anime and Manga.
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Chandan is the writer of “Top 10 Strongest Characters in Hunter x Hunter”. Also, Connect with me on youtube and Facebook.