Naruto Filler List: Skip or Stick? An Essential Guide for Fans

naruto filler list

Naruto Filler List: Skip or Stick? An Essential Guide for Fans – Naruto is a popular anime series that follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja with dreams of becoming the strongest ninja in his village. Over the course of its run, the “Naruto” anime adaptation includes a significant number of episodes that are not directly based on the original manga storyline.

These episodes are known as fillers. Filler episodes are essentially standalone stories or arcs that do not contribute to the main plot or character development. They are created by the anime production team to extend the series and prevent it from catching up to the ongoing manga. Filler episodes often introduce new characters, provide additional background information, or offer lighthearted and comedic moments.

The purpose of a filler list is to provide viewers with a guide on which episodes to watch and which ones can be skipped without missing any crucial plot points. By referring to a filler list, fans can streamline their viewing experience by focusing on the main storyline while optionally watching fillers if they choose to do so. Let us jump right into it.

Naruto Filler Episodes:

The total number of filler episodes in the original “Naruto” anime series is 91 episodes out of a total of 220 episodes. This means that approximately 41% of the series consists of fillers.

The fillers are scattered throughout the entire series, so referring to a filler list can help viewers identify and skip them if they prefer to focus on the main story. It’s worth noting that the sequel series, “Naruto: Shippuden,” also includes a significant number of filler episodes, but the exact count may vary as it depends on the source material and the viewer’s definition of what constitutes a filler episode.

Naruto Filler Guide:

In this simplified table, the “Filler Episodes or Arcs” column provides the titles of the respective filler episodes. The “Episode Number” column lists the episode numbers of the Naruto anime series. The table primarily focuses on filler episodes, which are episodes that deviate from the main manga storyline.

The filler episodes listed in the table are just a sample selection and do not include all the filler episodes in Naruto. The episodes are presented in chronological order based on their episode numbers. Some entries represent individual filler episodes, while others indicate a range of episode numbers that belong to a specific filler arc or story.

Filler Episodes or ArcsEpisode Number
Recap of the First 25 Episodes26
Attempting to Recover Tsunade’s Debt97
Trying to Discover Kakashi’s Face101
Land Of Tea Escort Mission102-106
Land Of Rice Fields Investigation Mission136-140
Mizuki Tracking Mission142-147
Bikochu Search Mission148-151
Kurosuki Family Removal Mission152-157
Gosunkugi Capture Mission159-160
Cursed Warrior Extermination Mission162-167
Kaima Capture Mission169-173
Daimyo Heir Escort Mission174
Buried Gold Excavation Mission175-176
Stopping The Courier Ninja177
Star Guard Mission178-183
Kiba, Naruto, and Shino One-Off Episodes184-186
Peddlers Escort Mission187-191
Ino’s Princess Disguise Mission192
Rock Lee’s Dojo Challenge193
Daimyo’s Wife Search Mission194
Third Great Beast Arc195-196
Konoha Plans Recapture Mission197-201
Recap of Top Five Battles202
Yakumo Kurama Rescue Mission203-207
Prized Artifact Escort Mission208
Gantetsu Escort Mission209-212
Menma Memory Search Mission213-215
Sunagakure Support Mission216-220
Total Naruto Filler Episodes91


In conclusion, a filler list for “Naruto” is a guide that categorizes episodes as either canon or filler. Fillers are standalone episodes or arcs that do not contribute to the main plot or character development. They are created to extend the series and prevent it from catching up to the ongoing manga.

While fillers can be enjoyable for some viewers, others prefer to skip them and focus on the main storyline. By referring to a filler list, fans can choose to watch only the canon episodes or optionally include the fillers if they wish. Ultimately, it’s up to each viewer to decide their preferred viewing experience.

That is it from today’s post on Naruto Filler List: Skip or Stick? An Essential Guide for Fans. If you do not agree with the points in the post and have some of your own opinions, share them with us in the comments section down below. Keep visiting Animesoulking for more information about Anime and Manga.

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Chandan is the writer of “Naruto Filler List: Skip or Stick? An Essential Guide for Fans”. Also, Connect with me on YouTube and Facebook.

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About the Author: Chandan

Hey there! I'm Chandan and I'm from India. I'm a writer and youtuber. I love to watch anime and reading manga. You can contact me at:

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