Top 15 Best Nintendo Switch Games So Far – Hey guys!. In this post, I’ll be discussing a list of Top 15 Best Nintendo Switch Games So Far. Fully packed with games that rank 90 or higher that money can buy. Now then, let’s begin briefly by covering our number 15 to 11 entries before getting in-depth with the final 10. So, let’s get started.
15. Splatoon 3

Splatoon 3, not counting Octo Expansion has the best single player campaign in the series. With all the weapons from Splatoon 2, more stages at launch than ever, improved gameplay and generally expanding on everything Splatoon and Splatoon 2 had to offer. Add to that an excellent soundtrack to match and you have an instant Nintendo third-person shooter classic.
In other words, this was the perfect conclusion to the trilogy which has been surpassing all sales expectations and performing like no other new IP since Animal Crossing. Sadly, the game has some major online issues and because of this, it is on the opening of this list.
14. Celeste

A true indie gem which debuted at the same time on the Nintendo Switch. An emotional masterpiece which is simple to pick up with accessible controls that are easy to use but hard to master. The story is a real classic and will challenge your gaming skills, pushing you to conquer the mental mountain with its puzzles and hazards alike.
Celeste has its own unique niche and flavor, an experience that most games aren’t really providing. Let’s also not forget the beautiful soundtrack that seamlessly blends it all together.
13. Kirby and the Forgotten Land

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the legendary pink puffball, Kirby, we finally got the game we were all waiting for. A 3D Kirby game and a really good one at that! Filled with brilliant stages, powers, and most of all, transformations. You can turn into cars, vending machines, and so much more.
This is not only one of the best Kirby games to date, but also one of the best platformers on the Nintendo Switch as a console. Packed to the brim with a charm that only Hal Laboratory is able to provide in a brand new installment to the franchise. And add to that a solid post game, well, you got yourself a Kirby game that will be remembered for a long time.
12. Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury

With this release, we know that 3D World was made for the Nintendo Switch. Not only that, it came with a vast array of improvements, including game speed and online multiplayer. With this version, we will never play the Wii U original again. Primarily, since this game includes a brand-new adventure which if it was standalone and longer, would have been even higher on this list.
Bowser’s Fury. Fury Bowser has taken over Lake Lapcat, and three big areas await Mario to collect Cat Shines. With every new one in our possession, we can make a bigger stand against the corrupted King. Literally. We turn into a gigantic Cat Mario and fight kaiju style until there is just one left standing. It doesn’t become more epic than that. Also, as close as we have ever gotten to open-world Mario.
11. Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Animal Crossing: New Horizons. The release of this game couldn’t have been better timed as it was the ultimate escape from the grim reality that was 2020 and 2021. Offering us in theory an endless Island Getaway package where we can build the island of our dreams, invite friends over and visit and take inspiration from other players around the world.
In other words, a solid game after the free 2.0 update. But why has it fallen out of the Top 10? Two massive problems. No more updates making the game essentially dead, compared to the long-term support of past Animal Crossing titles and still one island per console limit to this day.
10. Fire Emblem: Three Houses

The game that even got a Warriors title in 2022. It is that good, though not for everyone. But it did everything it could so that Fire Emblem Engage can bring back the heroes of old. Providing battles, maps and cutscenes in the same seamless style, this title granted a new level of immersion to an already fantastic series.
With memorable characters and three pathways that are radically different, this game truly makes you question if you selected the “right” path upon the crucial time skip. This is mainly due to its strong and memorable house leaders – Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude. As a strategy title, Fire Emblem: Three Houses was a return to gameplay form.
With battle scenes that finally feel like an actual battleground instead of just duels. Right here, you get real value for your money as the adventure that awaits you in Fodlan and its bittersweet reunions is just that good and longer than most other games on this list, too.
9. Monster Hunter Rise

Monster Hunter Rise. In essence, World on the Nintendo Switch. Nothing wrong with that as World was an evolution that we missed out on a Nintendo system. The missions are grand and bold with a large variety on offer. The hunting has been vastly improved, even when compared to World.
Capcom truly made many of the weapons far more viable, allowing for dynamic strategies that no one can get enough of. The Hunting Horn, Dual Blades and Gunlance feel far more interesting to use, thanks to special moves that are unique for each weapon type.
And don’t get us started on the game changer that is the wirebug. All Monster Hunter games are a commitment when it comes to time, but it feels instantly rewarding when you do so and Rise is no different.
8. Xenoblade Chronicles 3

The best Xenoblade Chronicles to date? Well, definitely from a mechanical perspective as the deeply touching story of a group of doomed warriors from opposing sides facing the true enemy is just splendid. A story that is up there with the original, a serious tone and with characters and voice acting that just screams Monolith Soft.
Numerous quests and most of all, side quests that feel far more rewarding than in past titles and combined with a combat party than ever before, and additional heroes, you have the elements that makes this game stand out from 1 and 2.
Once again, the soundtrack met expectations and the same goes with the massive scale of the world which is 5 times the size of Xenoblade Chronicles 2. The fact that we got this game as early as July 2022 as the first follow up to a major mainline franchise on the Switch speaks volumes.
7. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Complete Switch Edition, or alternatively known as the last great thing CD Projekt Red did before the Cyberpunk saga. The Switcher is a truly impressive title, with the expansions Blood and Wine and Heart of Stone. All of these somehow managing to fit on a 32-gigabyte game cartridge. No extra downloads required. That’s pretty impressive.
Yes, 2015’s Game of the Year is a little rough visually, but it remains the most detailed open-world games on the Nintendo Switch. The music, characters, writing, main quest and even greater side quests are just like they are on the other systems. Geralt of Rivia’s battle against the Wild Hunt and other foes in Velen, Novigrad, Ard Skellig and Touissant offers so much value.
If handheld play is your jam, then there are few games can beat the Switcher and even on TV, it is ok if graphics aren’t everything to you.
6. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

Who doesn’t love Mario Kart? Especially when the game is still alive with an active online community and Nintendo providing even more with the value for your money in terms of the Booster Course pass that will last until the end of 2023. That being said, we are judging the base 60 dollars in terms of value here as the overall package.
However, keeping a game alive well over 5 years since its complete version + bonus content is a true testament of the quality of this title. Even without the DLC, we have the most tracks and racers in any Mario Kart game to date, along with the first non-Mario and Donkey Kong inclusions ever. Oh, and let’s not forget the solid battle mode providing all the tracks we missed on the Wii U version.
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, with around 50 million copies sold, is simply Nintendo’s equivalent of GTA V and Skyrim in terms of commercial success. The never-ending stream of money has halted the release of the next title until the successor system, however.
5. Metroid Dread

The story of Metroid goes on after Fusion and its many questions regarding the X-parasite, the Chozo and Samus herself. Thankfully however, nearly everything was answered in Metroid 5. This was the game everyone thought was dead until Nintendo revealed and released Metroid Dread in 2021.
The best 2D controls, and arguably the best gameplay in the series is combined in an adventure that, for a change, doesn’t go from the top to bottom of a planet, but instead goes from core to surface after landing on planet ZDR. This is a game built out of love and respect to the franchise and in return, we got brilliant level design and boss fights as a result.
In other words, we absolutely had to include the first new 2D Metroid game in 19 years in a high spot on this list. Spain’s MercurySteam has truly shown that Metroid thrives best when offered to talented studios outside of Japan as the passion for Metroid lives all around the world.
Specifically, 3D Games like the upcoming Metroid Prime 4 developed in America by Retro Studios and future 2D Games developed in Europe once again by MercurySteam.
4. Persona 5 Royal

We are getting close to the 95+ gang but before we do so, let’s go over a few honorable mentions. Roll the music! Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope, Super Mario Maker 2, Tunic, Triangle Strategy, HADES, Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Persona 5 Royal. After 5 years of waiting, we finally got mainline Persona on the Nintendo Switch.
And as an apology for our patience, it was the Royal version which is just packed with content and godlike music. 100 hours or more? Easy, as this is the perfect life sim and turn-based J-RPG title. But you already knew that. What makes Persona 5 Royal special on the Switch is how good of a port it is.
Unlike The Witcher 3, it doesn’t feel like a downgrade anywhere as the art style is as made for the system and the Japanese handheld dominated market. This is simply the realization of the Potential of Persona but also based on the support that we have seen from ATLUS in the recent years it is clear that this is a match made in heaven.
Persona 5 Royal’s gameplay and story is so good that it forces us to only mention the other great third-party ports of the year so here we go. Portal Collection, Nier Automata Yorha Edition, No Man’s Sky and Game of the Year 2021, It Takes Two. We simply had to sacrifice some for Persona 5 Royal on Switch, and we find even more Persona in our next entry.
3. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Thanks to amazing updates, care and even better fighters pass 1 and 2 characters, it takes a spot on the podium. But it still does that even without the Joker, Banjo, Sephiroth, and Sora paid DLC. This game is Masahiro Sakurai at his best, all to ensure the Special and Ultimate titles of the game.
A truly endless game that is the perfect party activity for chill, no matter if you play casual or For Glory battlefield with no items. Bringing more fighters and stages than ever before, a nearly endless list of music tracks and better remixes of these. And obviously, refining the mechanics of the beloved series to be the Ultimate.
Thank you, Sakurai, as you continue to provide the best fighting experience and deserve all the success you have received including on your YouTube channel! The only real downsides with this game is the story mode, World of Light, and the online experience which has remained troublesome since release.
2. Super Mario Odyssey

One of, if not the best addition to the Mario series we’ve ever had and definitely its best celebration of both past and present. Taking all of the classic aspects of legendary titles like Donkey Kong, Super Mario Bros., NES, Mario 64, and more. Super Mario Odyssey brings them to a new level with modern and creative ways of playing.
Travel through hugely diverse kingdoms, each with their own enticing theme music and use Cappy to capture and take control of any enemies and NPCs along your odyssey. The ultimate blend of modern and classic can be found here in this title, with nostalgic 2D sections calling back to the plumber’s humble roots.
This is all contrasted by the beautifully modeled modern style of enemies that bring the brilliant 3D platformer that the series is known for. The only backdraws of this game is the number of Kingdoms as this is a game that you never want to end and the slight lack of substantial updates.
In return, however, the DLC we did get was completely free! On top of all of that, this game boasts one of the best post games in any video game ever. But it is still beaten by…
1. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

This masterpiece remains until Tears of the Kingdom – the best Nintendo game since Ocarina of Time in 1998 that changed this beautiful industry the most for the better. All by introducing the concept of the open-air. Or running, jumping, climbing and gliding. Breath of the Wild is the Zelda game that will always be remembered as the time Nintendo joined the Game of the Year winners at the Game Awards.
The only Nintendo game to date to receive the Oscar of Gaming. And for good reason too, as this title revolutionized the franchise when it came to game design and challenged conventions that were in desperate need for an update. The interactive sandbox is absolutely genius and with the physics engine, next level enemy AI and blood moon to revive them, the world never ends up empty.
Even after hundreds upon hundreds of hours of playtime, there are still reasons to return to this title and our original save files from 2017. Combine this with the most sophisticated physics engine in any action-adventure title, and you have an endless game. We have been living in Breath’s Hyrule for well over 5 years now, and will continue the quest for just as long in Tears of the Kingdom.
The excellent gameplay and lack of limitations is what sets Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom apart from the competition. And yes, Tears of the Kingdom’s main task was always to address Breath of the Wild’s shortcomings such as Dungeons, fragmented story, and recycled boss and enemy designs. Until then, Breath of the Wild remains the King of the Switch.
That is it from today’s post on Top 15 Best Nintendo Switch Games So Far. If you do not agree with the points in the post and have some of your own opinions, share them with us in the comments section down below. Keep visiting Animesoulking for more information about Anime and Manga.
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Chandan is the writer of “Top 15 Best Nintendo Switch Games So Far”. Also, Connect with me on YouTube and Facebook.